"If you don't have any inspiration left, you're as good as dead."

- Yuri Plisetsky

No matter how many times in life you get asked to "tell me about yourself", it never gets easier. At least, that's what I'm guessing. It's one of those things that no amount of practice can ever seem to perfect. How am I supposed to just summarize who I am in a quick one or two paragraph blurb? I always give it the best I can anyway, though, and hope I don't forget anything major.

I love dogs. I've always wanted to own a horse, but have never lived anywhere where that would be a possibility. I love playing video games, even though I'm generally pretty terrible at them, and am a fan of a good movie or TV show, no matter what language it's in. All I need is some subtitles.

I've been writing for as long as I can remember, but my crazy attention span prevented me from ever finishing one of my stories until 2015. Then, when I finally did finish a full manuscript, I set the first draft aside and haven't touched it since.

I love learning about new things, especially cultures from around the world. How others go about their day-to-day lives and how they can differ so drastically from my own are all fascinating to me. I love learning about countries with ancient histories. Maybe that's because I was born and raised in a country that is so young in comparison. 

I've written things for places like Funimation, Racer X Online, and The Kraze

I'm on Twitter and Instagram (both @HeyItsHales), but you can feel free to contact me whenever you'd like, too.


  • Writing

  • K-pop

  • Snow

  • Anime

  • Memes

  • Dogs


  • Tomatoes

  • Hot weather

  • Scary movies

  • Carbonated beverages