Meet VIXX, K-Pop's Concept Kings

From time travelers to aliens to robots just looking for love, VIXX has explored tons of different stories throughout their past six years of activity. Commonly referred to as K-pop's "Concept Kings", the group's six members regularly showcase not only their singing and dancing, but also their acting prowess in almost every music video they release.

If you have a couple hours to kill, checking out all of the group's music videos is definitely suggested. For those of you that don't have that kind of free time, though, here are five of their most memorable concepts to date.

Voodoo Doll

Live Performance | Dance Practice | Original Version

Creepy doesn't begin to describe VIXX's Voodoo Doll concept. The six members pose as humans who are locked up and tortured by a woman who has a voodoo doll that she constantly attacks. Definitely the group's most daring concept, Voodoo Doll's music video and choreography both had to get toned down for broadcast. The clean version of the video showcases more of the choreography, cutting out the story, torture, and gruesome skin-piercing shots that were shown in the original version. While the original version is intriguing and visually impressive, it's not for those with weak stomachs. I still get the heeby-jeebies every time I watch it.

Chained Up

Live Performance | Dance Practice

Describing the concept behind Chained Up can be weird. Mainly because it's all centered around the six being some sort of slaveā€”the lyrics even say "I'm a slave" at one point. What kind of slaves they are isn't really clear, but given the blazer with no undershirt look and matching leather collars, it's not hard to guess that they're probably some sort of pleasure slaves. Kinky undertones aside, Chained Up is a visual feast, filled with bright colors and unique "rooms" for each member that make the whole video something truly special to watch.


Live Performance | Dance Practice

Error was not only VIXX's first single that earned them a number one on Korean music shows, but it's also one of the most emotional stories they've ever told. Centered around the concept of robots having feelings and emotions, this video will make you think about some pretty deep things, even if you might not realize it. One of the most prominent music video reactions I remember is a man watching this video after having lost his wife, and the heartachingly emotional response he had was something truly special. I haven't seen any other K-pop artists who've been able to bring forward that kind of emotion in a reactor.


Live Performance | Dance Practice

Ready for some time traveling? With clocks and gears everywhere, it should come as no surprise that Eternity is all about the passing of time. According to Soompi, the video's concept centers around being "trapped in a moment in time that stretches for eternity." It's by far one of the group's most abstract concepts to date, but still manages to convey all the emotional points that make you feel amazed but also leave you wanting to cry a little at the end.


Live Performance | Dance Practice

Shangri-La is commonly known as a term that refers to a heavenly place on earth. This theme of an ancient, unknown paradise is what permeates throughout the video. Everything is showcased in vibrant gem tones and there's an overabundance of beautiful flowers in ever shot. The video matches the song's laid-back, calming nature making it a great thing to watch if you're looking to just relax and escape to your own mental Shangri-La.

Which of VIXX's concepts do you absolutely love? Let me know in the comments. You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook, or show your support for the blog on Patreon.