This Week's Favs: October 6

New month means all the Halloween memes have resurfaced, including the famous dancing pumpkin-headed man that's actually from Nebraska public television.

Those are the kinds of little tidbits you learn when you live there. Either way, I'm happy to see all the fun, spoopy imagery on all my timelines. It's a welcome rest before the tooth-aching sweetness that is the Christmas season.

This week also marked the first week of the fall anime season, which I'm super excited about. There are a lot of promising shows out this season and I can't wait to see what they have in store. I'll be putting up a first-week recap within the next few days but, in the meantime, enjoy some of these other awesome songs, videos and art pieces from this week.


Kyouran Hey Kids!! - The Oral Cigarettes

While it turns out this is actually the opening song for Noragami Aragoto, I had no idea when I first heard it. This song actually popped up on one of my Daily Mixes on Spotify, and it was a perfect fit. It's a high-tempo banger that gets me moving every time I listen to it, guaranteed. If I ever need a little boost of energy, this is a great tune to turn on.

Samarkand Overture - Yuri!!! on Ice Soundtrack (梨音Rion Piano Cover)

Samarkand Overture, the song made for Otabek Altin's short program music in Yuri!!! on Ice, is already an impressive piece to begin with. The full orchestration makes it an inspiring, powerful song that can really move you, if you like classical music. However, the cover done by 梨音Rion is out of this world. There's something about seeing an amazing pianist actually play that's sort of hypnotic. Not to mention the piano-only cover surprisingly doesn't take away too much of the impact of the original song.


K: 7 Stories Trailer

K and K: Return of Kings are visually brilliant series. I've mentioned them before and I don't know if I'll ever NOT gush about them. That being said, they aren't super popular series in America, which means any discussion or news about them tends to get buried under other topics. That's exactly what happened when this trailer for the all-new K: 7 Kings film series dropped. It's not a new season of K, which is a little unfortunate, but seven new film-length pieces looking at backstories and revealing new characters is pretty much the next best thing. I'm really hoping will get to see a little more of the Green King, even though he's probably a minor character in the grand scheme of things. The first film in the series doesn't come out until July 2018, so you can expect I'll be watching this trailer on repeat until then.



The Grim Reaper and an Argent Cavalier

I managed to binge all 33 chapters of this manga within a few nights, thanks to the Crunchyroll Manga app. It's a fairly short manga—especially when you consider that huge series like Fairy Tail and Bleach have hundreds of chapters—but manages to clearly lay out the main conflict, as well as each main character's backstory and motivations. Some are a little more shallow than others, but you grow to love them anyway.

While it's pretty short, I still can't help but wonder how this story would look in anime form. There's just enough action to keep it interesting, and there's quippy, sarcastic characters that the general anime-watching crowd loves, so it seems like it would be a perfect fit for its own adaptation, even if it only lasted for one season.